How To Choose A Cage For Pigeons Or Doves

Whether you own a pet bird or you are running a rescue centre that looks after various birds like pigeons and doves, you might be left wondering how to choose a cage for these types of birds.

It is really important that you choose the correct housing for your bird so ensure that they are safe and comfortable.

There are lots of things that you will need to think about when it comes to choosing the right cage for a dove or pigeon, so you can ensure that you are meeting all of the bird’s needs.

If the bird cannot roam free for whatever reason, then it is important that you provide them with a cage that is going to meet their requirements. 

In this article, we are going to tell you everything that you need to know about choosing a cage for pigeons and doves, so you can be as prepared as possible.

Caring for any animal, especially a wild animal is going to be challenging, but at least you can rest assured that you know everything there is to know about their housing needs.

How To Choose A Cage For Pigeons And Doves

There are lots of things that you will need to consider when you are choosing the right cage for pigeons and doves, and we are going to go through all of the things you need to know so you can make the right decision for your bird below.

Do I Keep My Pigeons Indoors Or Outdoors?

Both pigeons and doves are birds that can do well as indoor and outdoor birds. If they are being kept outside, they will need to be kept away from predators.

It is also worth baring in mind that it is not a good idea to keep just one bird outside in a cage on their own.

This is because these are flock birds, and if they were kept outside alone, they would quickly become tired and lonely. 

If you only have one dove or pigeon, then you should keep them indoors, and they will adopt the people around them as members of their flock.

Any birds that will be kept outside, even if it is only temporary, will need to be kept safe from predators.

The majority of bird cages should be for indoor use, which means that they’re not the best to use outdoors.

In order for your birds to be kept safe from predators, the cage will need to be sturdy and not have wide spacing between the bars. As well as this, it will need to have a raccoon proof latch.

If you are ever unsure, it is always best to ask a professional for advice. For example, if your birds are going to be kept inside, you could use a dog cage to house 1 to 2 birds.

However, due to the wider spacing of the bars, this cage would not be suitable for housing birds outdoors.

Pigeons and doves that are being housed indoors will need a suitable cage that is kept in a safe place.

They will also need to spend some time out of the cage in the house every day, so they can have time to exercise.

You should also keep in mind that it is not safe to allow your pigeons and doves to fly outside in the wild. The reasoning behind this is that they are easy targets for various types of predators. 

How Big Should A Cage Be For Pigeons And Doves?

The bigger that their cage is, the better. Interestingly, the length and width of the cage are more essential to consider than the height as these birds don’t climb.

It is recommended that you get a cage that is at least 42 inches wide, 27 inches deep, and 30 inches high if you have one or two pigeons.

For one or two doves, the cage should be at least 32 inches wide, 32 inches high, and 21 inches deep. 

What You Need to Know About Pigeon And Dove Cages

In order for your cage to be suitable for pigeons and doves, the bottom of it will need to be a flat surface that is easy for you to clean.

You can purchase a cage that already has such a feature, or you can do some DIY and create the flooring yourself.

These birds should not be forced to stand on the metal wires of the cage, as this would not only be uncomfortable, but it also wouldn’t be good for their feet.

Shelves are also great to include in your cage as they offer places for the birds to fly and hang on. Things like perches are not the best for pigeons and doves as it only allows them to sit and hang out.

On the other hand, shelves are much more useful for providing more options.

Another thing that you should include is a good-sized mirror and a weighted basket. You should also include a dish for them to use as a bath, as well as food and water bowls.

You should also be sure to put their cage in a bright location, as these birds don’t have the best vision.

Your Doves and pigeons will also need secure access to sunshine that is not filtered through glass. You should place them in an area where they can be around the family, rather than in a secluded area of your home, so they can be kept company.

Things like drafts are not really too much of an issue, as fresh air is a good thing.

However, you should be aware of other hazards that could be lurking within your home that could potentially pose a threat to your birds if they are flying freely.

Most of these hazards can be found in the kitchen, like the stove. However, ceiling fans and open windows will also need to be monitored.

Finally, the cage will need to be able to protect your birds from any predators that can get near the cage.

So, if you have other animals within your home, you will need to ensure that they cannot access the cage in any way.

If your cage is being placed outdoors, your birds will need to be kept safe from other wild predators.

Can I Use A Dog Crate To House Pigeons And Doves?

Yes and no. You can use a large dog crate to house your pigeons and doves that are inside of your home as long as you do not have any other animals in your home.

However, if you are keeping these birds outside, then you will need to find a cage that doesn’t have bars that are so widely spaced apart. 

An enclosure that has bigger gaps between the bars is not safe to house your birds outdoors, even if it isn’t supposed to be for a long time.

There are lots of predators outdoors like cats, hawks, ravens, racoons, rats, gulls, and more that will kill pigeons and doves that are kept outside in crates or cages with widely spaced bars. 

If you have other animals, like cats and dogs, in your home, then you will need to get a cage that has bars that are close together, as this will keep other animals out.

You should also be aware of the fact that while some indoor cages are adequate for keeping your birds away from other household pets, some of them are not constructed well enough to protect your birds from wild predators.

Can I Put My Dove Or Pigeon In A Small Cage?

It is not ideal to put your pigeons or doves into a small cage as they will need a certain amount of space to roam around.

Just because they fit inside the cage, it doesn’t mean that it is a suitable size for them to live in.

They will need space to roam around inside the cage, especially if there is more than one bird inside of it. 

Can I Stack My Cages?

Yes, as long as you are doing so safely and securely, you can put one cage on top of another one.

However, you will need to make sure that they are stable and are not going to fall over.

Your best bet is to purchase cages that are specifically designed for this purpose, as they slot together securely. You can purchase stacking bird cages both online and in various pet stores.

Can I Put Doves And Pigeons In A Parrot Cage?

Yes, a parrot cage can make the perfect home for one or two doves and pigeons, but this is not safe to use for housing your birds outdoors, as the bars are spaced too far apart.

Although, you can use this for indoor bird housing as long as you don’t have any other pets.

You will also need to ensure that you put down a flat and easy to clean surface, as they shouldn’t stand on the bare wires.

Can I Use Any Outdoor Cage?

No, you will need to be careful when you are selecting the right cage to house pigeons and doves as not all outdoor cages will be suitable.

You will need to ensure that the cage you buy is going to keep your birds safe from predators.

This means having bars that are closely spaced together, racoon proof latches on all of the doors, and a secure bottom of the cage.

Otherwise, you could be putting your birds at risk.

Do I Need A Raccoon Proof Latch On My Cage?

Yes, if you are keeping your bird cage outdoors or you are keeping it indoors and have other pets in your home, then it is always a good idea to get a cage with a raccoon proof latch.

Some animals are smarter than we give them credit for, and will be able to undo the latch to get to your birds, or they might do it accidentally while trying to get to their prey.

Aviaries For Outdoor Use

An Avery that has been built specifically to house pigeons or doves that is predator and rodent proof will be safe to use outside.

The latches will need to be kept closed at all times, and they should be secure enough to keep predators out. 

However, you should be mindful that there are bird aviaries that are not suitable for housing pigeons and doves due to the spacing of the bars.

With that being said, as long as your Avery is safe and secure for your birds, it is a good option if you want to house multiple birds without having to get multiple cages. 

You can even get safe flight cages that are more than big enough for your birds to be able to fly around and get some exercise.

You can keep these outdoors without any issues as long as they are suitable.


There are lots of different types of bird cages for you to choose from, depending on whether you want to keep your birds indoors or outdoors.

As long as you ensure that your birds are being kept safe from predators and the cage is big enough to house the number of birds you want to put inside it, then you shouldn’t have any issues.

If you are even unsure about how appropriate a cage or aviary is, you should get in touch with a professional for advice and guidance.

Your birds are relying on you to keep them safe, happy, healthy, and secure, and it is really important to carefully consider the cage that you are purchasing due to this.